Fee instuctions

All fees are payable for the entire 12 months of the year :

1. Fee Booklet/Fee Challan will be issued by the school once a year/four quarters in a year to every student. It will be replaced on payment of Rs.50/-

2. The Fees are to be paid by the 20th of the month. Those whose fees not been paid by 20th will have to pay fine Rs.50/-

3. If the due data to deposite the fee falls on a holiday then the fee will be accepted without fine on the next working day.

4. Alll dues should be cleared before a student appears for any Periodical/yearly Assesments. A student will not be allowed to sit for the    examinations unless all dues are paid on time.

5. fee and charges are subject to revision from time to time.

6. Fee once paid not be refunded under any circustances.

7. parents are requested to fill the two parts of the slip of the respective months before presenting the same to the office. The school leaving certificate will not be issued until all school dues have been cleared.


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